Saturday, October 17, 2009

* Mediafire is giving problems. What to do?

When we talk about Mediafire then one thing that comes to mind is that it is the best free filehosting service as it provides lightning fast simultaneous downloads.
But since nothing is perfect in this world , the same logic applies to MF as well.
Sometimes when we visit a download link we receive errors even though the file is present on the server or even worse we are unable to download the file.
Here i give u a step by step guide on how to download from MF….And all the errors that might stop you from downloading are also discussed…

1]-Open the MF link in your browser.Lets take this link as an example.This is how it will look:

2]-Upon entering the supplied password you will be taken to a new screen which will look like this:

3]-Instead of left clicking on ‘click here to download’ right click on it as shown and then select   DOWNLOAD WITH IDM from the menu as shown:

4]-IDM download window will appear.Then click on DOWNLOAD.
5]-Sometimes a particular link gives an error like Server busy or maybe something else.In all these cases the solution is to open the link in some other browser like Opera or IE or Chrome.
It should work fine then.
6]-But if this screen appears on opening a link:

This means that the file is no longer available on the MF server.If this happens with any of the link provided on FREEZILLA then contact me and i will reupload the file. If you still face any problem in downloading from MF just leave a comment here or in the shoutbox of FREEZILLA and i will get back to you as soon as possible.